Set team sales targets and assign individual sales

Setting up total sales target for the team and assigning individual sales commission by following these steps:
1. Entering sub-menu SALES TARGET SETTING
Go to top right corner of the screen, click on ‘Sales Target Setting’

2. Enter to ‘SALES TARGET SETTING’ page
Fill in the target number for the total sales of your team into the ‘Annual Sales Target’ space and click ‘Calculate’ so that the system will distribute the sales target to your team evenly. Once done, click save to confirm your total sales target for your team.

3. Edit Target Individually
What if your team does not distribute the sales target evenly?
No worries, you can edit the total sales target of your team individually. You can simply edit the number at the end of the certain name or you can edit the monthly sales target of each member. Just click on the black dropdown arrow icon next to the total sales target amount of that particular member that you would like to edit, you will now be able to edit the target in each month as well.

Once you have edited, do not forget to click ‘Save’ so that the dashboard will update to the current information.