13 years of ‘Cumulate Plus‘, the business that’ turned over 100,000 tons of garbage ‘ into thousands of sports fields.

Riki Kimura
Digital Marketing Executive at Wisible

According to information from the Department of Industrial Works which shows statistics on the number of factories allowed to operate according to Factory Act B.E. 2535-present, for a total of 138,807 industrial plants. Information from the Thailand Development Research Institute has also revealed, that less than half of industrial waste in Thailand is disposed of properly. Improperly disposed parts lead to pollution. Make an impact on people and the environment in society. While the disposal of toxic industrial waste is waste that requires special handling. But there are still few legal industrial waste disposal plants in Thailand that meet the standards. Park smuggling groups or gray businesses incorrectly eliminate them.
When the number of official disposal facilities in Thailand is out of balance with the amount of industrial waste therefore, is it interesting that Thailand should support and allow entrepreneurs with expertise and high technology to enter the waste disposal business more?
from this complaint a suspicious Navigator led us to Cumulate Plus Co., Ltd., a provider of non-hazardous industrial waste disposal and treatment services licensed by the Ministry of Industry. Or a group called Ror 4. Type 105, (53) 9 sorting, crushing and processing. into various products
Friday morning in the last week of the rainy month we drove from the capital to Amphoe Plaeng Yao. Chachoengsao province to get to the destination, which is located not far from the 304 Industrial Area, it doesn’t take long from the city to reach the pinned destination. As soon as the car was completely silent Mr. Ek-Pongthanate Sombatmak came out to welcome us to the world of factory sewage treatment business.

‘Khun Ek-Pongtanate’ is the founder of Cumulate Plus Company Limited, but he is also a sales manager and manager of sewage disposal and treatment plants.
He has been in the business for more than 13 years and has transformed more than 100,000 tons of harmless industrial waste into valuable and reusable materials. The doors of this factory are equally open for garbage. for unused materials from industrial plants to be processed at the same time, the same door is opened to deliver the finished goods or materials that have been processed and distributed for further use.
When the Khun Pongthanate took us to the garbage separation point in its 3-hectare work area, it began to rain. At the same time, the two trucks gradually bring industrial waste to be sorted waiting for the treatment process. or enter the disposal process properly.

‘My job is to make sure the customer’s factory is not cluttered, there is no garbage, and nothing is cluttered. If he’s got a big pile of garbage in the factory it’s my job to go out every day, take the garbage out of them and re-sort it in our factory.’
The owner of the sewage treatment plant told us. show us the way to walk carefully. Along with leading you to take you look at the process of waste disposal that produces the least pollution to society but creates the greatest benefit to humans.
A mountain of more than 100,000 tons of tires prevented going to landfills.
We imagine ourselves as students on a field trip to a sewage treatment plant. The man who walked in front of him acted as a speaker who was explaining the meaning of the ‘waste’ that had accumulated before him waiting for the day to be processed. Factory Act BE 2535, which covers scrap metal, plastic, rubber, glass bottles, and leather. which are all harmless to humans.

The owner of this factory is still walking in front of us. And we approached the black rubber mountain at every footstep moving forward while standing in the middle of a pile of tires. The owner of this 3 rai area took a sample of tires called ‘garbage’ for us to see to explain it. What does a piece of garbage consist of? Neither rubber nor metal if not properly disposed of. This waste will become environmental pollution.

He compared the amount of garbage we see here. Together, they weigh about 30 tons and if you can’t imagine it. Imagine that 15 tons of garbage is equivalent to 1 ten-wheeled vehicle. For people who are not good at math, we can imagine and calculate roughly that every year this small business helps prevent garbage from being piled up. More than 1,000 – 2,000 tons per year , for the last 13 years the business, which has been operating on more than 3 rai of land, has received waste to be dismantled and processed. as well as transporting processed materials and distributing them for further use, everything he tells us roughly we can calculate that his business will save more than 100,000 tons of industrial waste from landfills.
The origin of garbage and garbage bins is processed.
‘Without a waste disposal plant like ours, various industrial plants would take this waste to landfills. This waste takes 200 – 300 years to decompose.’
He further details that the garbage received all comes from factories that pay attention to the correct disposal process, such as factories that produce auto parts with large quantities of production waste. The factories then forward the waste to waste disposal and treatment service providers, industrial waste, to be treated 100% again with a process that does not cause pollution to the community.

It started to rain a lot. We walked through the Black Mountains towards a large machine shop. While we’re still in the process of getting rid of old tires. found that there was something more interesting in it when he saw the garbage from the outside sorted out to be sorted out and turned into various things. which will not be buried at all

Inside this plant there are machines for converting rubber parts into rubber granules of various sizes from 4 centimeters to molecules as small as molecules for further use. Some of the processed rubber granules have been used to build more than 30,000 tons of running tracks and sports fields, and some can be used as fuel in power plants. Including can be used as a raw material for melting plastic products.
‘Cumulate Plus’, a business that intends to turn waste into useful materials.
The intentions of the man who stood in the foreground made us think about the business of the future as people around the world work together to reduce waste. governments in various countries all support environmental policies and are ready to move forward in encouraging proper waste disposal. ’ Ek-Pongtanate ‘tells us that’ Cumulate Plus ‘ is one of only 3,000 businesses in Thailand established to properly manage industrial waste. who are licensed to operate
He started his business when Thailand was still not environmentally conscious. Starting as a waste disposal service provider, industrial waste has developed into a producer of recycled rubber granules.
Currently the ratio of 1 waste disposal business must take care of 47 industrial waste. His small business has a workforce. Machine power and soldering potential eliminate and process waste from only 3-4 industrial plants of industrial plants in nearby provinces. He considered the ratio of waste disposal in the country is not balanced like this. This will definitely affect the environment and people’s well-being in the future.

From the first day of starting the business he started with a small team. Even in this thirteenth year, his business was still able to receive only 1,000-2,000 tons of industrial waste per month with several tens of workers. together with 2 more trucks from the amount of garbage transported, he can gradually process the waste until it can be reused. In addition to reducing landfill efforts, it also helps reduce imports of rubber granules from abroad by thousands of tons per year.
the business of the future must meet the needs of the people of the future as well
The ‘Cumulate Plus’ door that opened welcomed me that day. The same door also reflected to outsiders like us that the business of waste disposal and treatment will be a hot business in the future because the ‘world’ has signaled to humanity that today everyone should take care of the ‘world’.

In Thailand, there are many industrial plants scattered in every region that require proper waste disposal and treatment, but ‘Cumulate Plus’ itself has limited services. due to the area of services and labor but in the future, this entrepreneur plans to expand its capacity in managing industrial waste. As per his intention, he wanted to help View and clean the factory area. and want to help the waste is not sent to landfills but reused again
Cumlate Plus Wisible and task management software
‘Khun Ek-Pongtanate’ in addition to being the founder also takes care of the auction of industrial waste acting as a salesman who delivers processed products to partner companies and also a manager who oversees the work of people in the factory. When the work is dense, but there is still a strong spirit to process waste. When there are plans to expand the service then it looks for Software to help reduce the burden and redundant work. so that in the future when ready to expand the team he will be able to forward tasks to the team with full information. to provide services to customers efficiently just as he has been taking care of customers for 13 years.
The ‘Cumulate Plus’ business, which operates in the form of inputs and outputs, is the import of waste for processing. After processing, it must be exported. At the same time, it also means connecting with multiple stakeholders. While starting to organize incoming tasks can not be overwhelmed therefore he began to bring software from wisible to help manage the task of collecting data and tracking tasks in various steps. Including the arrangement of transportation lines as well
When the waste has been processed into rubber granules. He must also manage the product in order to distribute it to partners to build stadiums or running tracks. And every four months, these stadium builders add rubber granules to the artificial turf to help. Maintain the condition of the skin to be effective for use and prolong its life. service life. He brought in the wisible system to help track and notify customers.
In the past, I worked alone. As for the storage of sales figures and data will be entered into an Excel file that does not detail the information. Early last year, I started using the wisible system to help with work ranging from recording contact person data from industrial plants to storing that data into a database.
In the Customer section, a track and field service provider, where I sell my rubber granules. I also store all customer data in a database. After using wisible in the past, I found that the software is useful for my work, for example on an artificial football field. When exposed to heat, artificial grass will curl. Therefore, it is scheduled to fill the rubber granules every 4 months to extend the service life, so I will put a reminder on wisible to follow up and take care of those tires.’
Businesses in the digital age can use digital tools to help manage to reduce the complexity of the work. as well as that ‘Khun Ek-Pongthanate ‘ has reaffirmed to us that the management of disposal and treatment of waste must still proceed systematically. Working from home is the same. He must also systematically store customer information.
“Although I have been using wisible for less than a year, the current overwork has been greatly reduced. The accumulated database allows me to make predictions about future planning.”
the rain in the morning began to dissipate the afternoon sunlight back. We drive back to the city. Fell asleep at the end of that afternoon’s conversation. Ultimately, we continue to believe that wisible itself is a provider of data management systems. sales management systems are difficult to route in front of removal providers. Treat and process industrial waste such as ‘ Cumulate Plus Co., Ltd.’also.